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Top Tips for Back to School Success!

And here we are! Another academic year begins with the usual mixed emotions, nerves for facing new courses, possibly new peers, teachers and learning environment, excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead and feeling pumped after having recharged over the summer. We at Global Geography Academy care about our students’ personal and academic success and have put together some top tips to help you get off to a flying start!

1.       Get organised

Make sure you have all your supplies and if necessary, software packages that are up-to-date. Have your supplies organised and readily accessible- there’s nothing worse than being in the mood to do some work but you can’t find a pen, after half an hour of turning your room upside down, voilà! Only to find it has no ink left! (How many times?!).


2.       Set up a routine

Routines are important for forming good habits. Draw yourself up a weekly planner and insert your extracurricular activities, divide the remaining time into slots and fill these in with homework time, relax time, physical activities, social activities and extra study time. This increases work efficiency as you know what you’re doing and when. Routines also help to reduce stress, as good planning and time management eliminates the risk of leaving assignments to the last minute.

3.       Stay healthy

You need energy so that your body and mind work efficiently throughout the day. Make sure you have a mixed diet and eat regularly- this means not skipping breakfast! In your routine, you will have inserted physical activity slots, this doesn’t have to be half marathons, even walks around the park or the block will do the trick. Having a break from your studies and getting your blood moving will mean coming back to work reenergised and full of new ideas.

Getting enough sleep is also essential. Seven to nine hours are recommended per night, not only does this give you the energy for the following day but it’s also time for your brain to process all the information that has been collected that day- information that will come in handy for tests and exams!

4.       Reflect and seek help now


Reflect on last year. What went well? What didn’t go so well? Why? Make a strategy to improve in necessary areas. Don’t wait until your exams to seek help. If you know you need extra support in a subject, seek help now so you can build on your knowledge and skills throughout the year. When you come around to exams, you’ll have the confidence and competence to get your desired results. Check out our range of online tutoring packages to support your geography studies and help you attain success this year!


5.       Prepare mentally

Set goals. Grab a pen and paper and list goals for the year, these could be academic or personal goals. Break down each goal into manageable steps with deadlines. Goal setting keeps you focussed and motivated throughout the year and what a great feeling when you can tick them off next summer!!

These are some tips to start the year strong and stay on track. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok for more daily tips over the next couple of weeks. If you would like the best possible start in your geography studies then you are warmly invited to our open days this month in which exclusive discounts will be offered on all our online tutoring packages!

For now, best of luck for the new academic year!

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